Friday, April 25, 2008

Try Again

Failure is not an option? LOL!!!!! I heard that line on a movie that I watched the other night. Well, in my world failure is not only an option, it is common! When the Bible states that, " a righteous man falls down 7 times (or in my case 7, 423 times!!) he gets back up. So, my theory is try again. Keep going. Get back up. Don't look behind you, just keep going. I WILL get there, i will succeed, why? Cause I will try again!......... Just a Thought

Monday, April 21, 2008

The last peice of Chicken

I was reminiscing about a childhood moment this morning. I grew up in a large family. Me, my two brothers, two sisters, Mom and Dad (before they divorced), cat, two dogs and a goldfish named "sharkey". We lived in a modest 3 bedroom home in an older community. Needless to say it was crowded. But, wow, what great days they were! I remember setting at the dinner table one Sunday afternoon. My mom had made some homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. What a meal! I remember setting there stuffing myself and enjoying my self as I argued with my brothers. Then, it happened... I looked up to see the last piece of chicken setting in the bowl that was lined with a paper towel and a little bit of grease coming through. No one dared reach for the last piece, it was taboo. You just don't grab the last piece of chicken. You think about it, but don't dare bring it up. Years later I would learn that there was a method to that table setting. I found out that the last piece of chicken was always for my mom. You see, my mom would not eat it until all of her family was satisfied. She would it some potato's and green beans while we stuffed our selves. Wow! Unknown to us it wasn't just the last piece of chicken, it was moms main course. As it is with Christ when He would hang on a Cross, while our sin debt was "satisfied". Yet, even as he hangs there it can become taboo. Thanks God for "preparing a table for us....." He waits, for the last person on earth to take the last piece. Just A Thought.........