Sunday, December 28, 2008


Noah stepped out of the ark. He had to be exhausted from all of the time on that boat with his family, , critters and creatures of every kind.

I wonder what his emotions were like? Did he get wore out from the complaining of his family members (even in safety) did he get sick of the smell (even in safety) did he ever doubt, fear or wonder if God forgot about him and those under his care?

I do.... I have fears

We all do

We fear so many things.

We fear people, the future, the present

Some of us fear our past

Others fear, fear.

Noah came out of the ark after God opened the door.

Noah looked up into a clearing sky and saw a "bow" in the sky. A rainbow

God told Noah that this will be a reminder to you and future generations that I will never destroy the earth by flood again

It was a promise.

It was a visual reminder.

It was a sign from God

His promise still stands

God has NOT forgot about you.

What ever He promised you still stands

He will open the door. And close some as well

Listen, look. He has promised you that He will never leave you or forsake you

Its written

Its His promise to you.

Just a thought.....
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