Thursday, December 4, 2008

verbs and nouns

Action! We all like it. Well, most of us do.

People, places and other things. We all have a problem with them. Well, some of do.

Usually the verb we like is when the noun is involved in drama as long as its not a verb aganist ourself.


We all "rubberneck" when there is a wreck on the road. If that wreck is us we might say, "What the $#@#!!!! are you looking at?!

So, the challange for most of us... well, for a few, is to verb the noun in a positive way.

In other words take some action and share a positive word to a person (or place or some-thing)

Ready? Action!!

Just a thought.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Do you wake up in the mornings and say to your self, "Self, why don't you just hurt someone today". Of course you don't.

My motives are actually pure. I try to be nice to strangers, helpful to most and close to a few. However, no matter how you slice the pie someone is ALWAYS going to get hurt.

I'm not talking about petty feelings. I am talking about real bonifide pain.

I have done that. I have hurt some people. And, no matter what I do or say it will take the Holy Spirt to help me and them.

The trap is turning someone Else's forgiveness onto your self and vicariously living through their unforgiven. I call it "reverse debt." In other words, we try to pay for someone Else's debt by beating ourselves up because we caused them pain.

It does NOT mean that we just grow numb to anothers feelings, it does mean however, that we must allow ourselves to be released after we speak and ask for forgiveness from our heart.

I had to do this the other day. I walked up to them at the door. I said "can we talk" They said no, not now. I tried to use that as my way out. God would redirect my paths. I would run into the one who offend me and told them I forgive them. Wow, it was tough.

Then came the toughest part, I asked the to forgive me. (even though I felt I was justified in my actions years ago.

Pride is hard. It is very hard. one writer said this,

"To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail our pride supports us; when we succeed, it betrays us." - Charles Caleb Colton

Forgive and process through today.

Let it go and be free.

Trust me, its worth it.

Just a Thought.....

Monday, December 1, 2008

I lost my best friend

I set here at my desk this morning in tears. I lost my best friend. My dog Fred.

Man, he met so much to me. It was as if he read my mind. EVERY TIME I came home, he was the first to greet me. He was a big dog and did not know it. He was goofy, yet smart. Wow, cant replace a dog like that. I have two other dogs, but they ain't Fred.

Me and my boys, Luke and Jacob, went out in the cold last night and buried him. Yep, we cried. And, yep I am still crying today and will for a few. You may ask, "over a dog?" Nope, over a member of my family. My best friend. Fred.