Friday, May 9, 2008

Lessons from a sisteen year old

My oldest son will be 16 in about two weeks. We just bought him his first truck. I was talking to him last night and it was evident that he was purely focused on one thing, driving. He understands that with that comes certain responsibilities and freedoms. A tension that should not exist but does. I have learned several things from him over the course of the last few days. First, he is focused - that in itself is a lesson. See what you want and go for it. Secondly, he he listening better. I am sure that is do to being this close of actually driving the tuck! and most of all, he is expecting. His expectations will no doubt be brought down by the current gas prices, yet I have learned that expectation is the ingredient that everything else is fertilized with. Just a Thought............

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sum Sum Summer Time!!!!!!

Well it is about to arrive! The summer of 2008. Water parks, vacations, picnics, cold creeks (or at least in the country where I live) sun burns, float trips, youth camps and the list goes on. This year my family and I will be taking our first vacation in several years (shame on us). I plan on using this time to rest and recharge. Its a Biblical principal. Its called Sabbath. I don't want to continue to "get all I can and can all I get". I want to chill. I want to not have to be creative. I just want to have fun with my family, get alone with God, reflect and just get what I like to call "stupid silly". Its the summer time - and I am gonna chill! Just A Thought.........