Saturday, October 17, 2009


- God calls a pastor to a city, not a denomination.

- If a Church wants a particular Man/Woman to be there pastor and he/She feels the same you'd think that would be the will of God.

- When a man/woman does not fit the "mold" of that denomination, they are rejected.

- God says yes, while man (denomination) is saying no.

- So, because God WILL NOT go against the will (free choice) of man, then the Church that is controlled by the denomination will suffer and loose its identity and be forced to shape up to a different image or ship out.

- Church planting??????? yea, i know its the thing to do right now. Yes, it works and it is awesome. however, what about Church "re-planting" ?

- Shouldn't existing churches (That are willing) be allowed to be transformed through leadership (pastor) that is not "like" the denomination?

- We are called to people, towns, cities, over seas, inner city, rural, etc....

- i guess the denomination might say (or probably think, because saying it would take to much guts) "Don't bite the hand that feeds ya"

- Sad

_ heartbreaking

- Dont ya think?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



I have heard it said that there are three stages to relationship
1. Lust
2. Rust
3. Dust

Our relationship with anything requires attention – If not we get, awkwardness, lack of faith, lack of movement, which ends up being…..RUST

There are three key and vital relationships

1. God
2. Family
3. Strangers

Within these three it requires some type of communication – some type of involvement, some type of ongoing movement.

What happens to cause us to Rust Up? What is it that would cause us to come to a place of worthlessness, uselessness and depressed.


That is the chemical formula for rust

What happens in this process?

At what point do we feel useless, broken, worthless and or depressed?


Song of Solomon 2:15 (New International Version)

15 Catch for us the foxes,
the little foxes
that ruin the vineyards,
our vineyards that are in bloom

It’s the little things that cause us to rust. It’s the little things that we think , “no big deal”

There are several actions that take place when our vine is spoiled, or our relationships become rusty –

It’s a process , not an event

The first Action that causes Rust is – Oxidation
Oxidation is………


The second action that causes Rust – Corrosion

Corrosion is……….


The Final action that cause Rust is – Rot

Rot is…….


Are you feeling a little Rusty?