Thursday, October 2, 2008

She was right

Yep - I admit it, my wife was right!

She kept telling me that if I dont stop I will crash. Of course because of the "good" husband that I am i did NOT listen.

My day?

up at 4am

work out

drive a school bus 630 to

pray 9 - when im done

1030 - 130 depwnds what day it is (study, mentorship to and from, followups, phonecalls, church errands, study, research, study, read, plan, pray,marketing for learning rx etc....)

drive school bus - 2pm - 430pm

take son to "brain training" at learning rx 5:30 -

come home, help with house chores, pet my dog, help with homework, shoot basketball with my younges (and oldest if he is not at work), help cook, eat if there is time 700 -

Pick up my son from work 9 -

Come home and catch the news, read 10 -

go to bed and fall asleep by 11.... pm if I can

next day??? More

Yep my wife is right - I crashed Wednesday at noon. My body said STOPPPPPP!

Lesson learned? Sure. The lesson is, she is right more than I give her credit for and I hope to slow down and heed that advice.

Well time to drive the bus! Just a Thought.....