Friday, August 15, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

I have just read the book "Wild Goose Chase". Written by author and pastor Mark Batterson from NCC in DC. You can get more info at

This book convicted me to the core. Phrases like "do angels yawn" to "good old fashioned guts"

In following Christ we are given so many opportunities to live on the edge. Mark teaches is reader to step of the edge and allow God to do crazy stuff in our life

I am a pastor and I know (even more now) that the Spirit of God moves where HE wants and the adventure of chasing it is the beginning of it all

The Wild Goose invites us with a grin, and Mark smiles himself as a spokesmen of the Goose. "Just a Thought.....
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ahhhhh what a team

I have had some major stress in my life (well, major to me) and I knew I needed to see some change.

And change, I have seen.

Following Christ... Living by faith... through grace...

Working on being a better husband (wow, edging up on 20 years!!!!)

Being a better dad (I must say, I'm pretty good at that)

Pastoring.............. well that is a challenge.... but oh what a great team i work with!

Brady (asst. pastor) he is a get it done guy

Ann (yep you) by far the MOST efficient, caring and sharpest people I know! (She is our book keeper)

Phillip - What a passionate worship leader!!

My board - men that do not stifle vision (Kenny and Keith)

You see, its this team - and a load of other people that enable me to do what i do.

If I had the means I would take them and their families on a cruise! (if you wanna give, call me... LOL kidding.... LOL no I'm not)

Whats next? I don't know, but i will NOT do it alone!! Just a thought.....