I am soooooooooo trying to think before I (re)act. I am 38 years old and you think I would know that, LOL.
For example. A driver cuts me off - I will cuss him (in Jesus name) kidding...
If I am stressed I tend to over react to the ones I love the most and put on that smile to those who I simply am trying to be nice to.
Its a decision that should NOT be mine on how to answer a question, react to a situation, etc... It is, or should be the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I mean, even jesus said that he did not speak unless the Father (YHWH, God, Daddy, Abba, The man upstairs) told him what to say and when to say it.
I decide that I need to decide that my desisions effect more than me. I decide that I will NOT be stingy and self centered. And, that is tough to do
38 years of practice, wow God is graceful isnt He? Just a thought.....