The Christmas season is upon us, which means the Christians are gettin' mad.
Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. Should I be mad right now?
Silly, hugh?
Why are some Christians so intolerant?
Who is right?
We study God (Theology) really?? God? we study Him? We have Him figured out?
Is he a "Southern God"?
Is He a "Yankee" God?
No, No I Got it He is an American God.... Wrong!
What denomination is He?
Cmon, admit it. We all think we are "right" and they (they being other religions) are wrong.
Growing up i spent most of the weekends at my Grandma's house. I would sleep on a pallet on the floor and she would talk to me about God with a since of colorful love. She was so real, so authentic. She was a "Jehovah's Witness".
Later when I became a "christian" I was told they (my Grandma and her "cult") were wrong and going to hell.
I even remember saying that behind a pulpit while preaching one time.
I was... Intollerant.
I was a bigot.
Do I agree with their belief system? Nope.
Do I think they are wrong? Nope.
Think about it. When you worship God on the day that you set aside to worship Him, what does He see?
Once again. I believe in God. I believe that he knows me inside and out. he loves me a whole lot more than I love Him. The rest.... its up to Him.
My Grandma? Yep, He loved her too. :)