So, i always said that life is a roller coaster. I have used all kind of metaphors in trying to describe it when i was a pastor. Now that i am not one, I am defining it from a different view. I really.... I MEAN REALLY, was out of tune with the average worker. Now that i am working a couple of jobs I understand this side I'm on a little better. So, to all of my full time "pastor friends", please know that you may have a stressful job, but you also need to get out and join the sweating workforce from time to time and see what they are going through on a daily basis. Find out (lest you forgot) what its like to have to use a sick day to stay home with your kids When they are sick. Find out whats its like NOT to be able to go to "meetings" several times a week and brainstorm with your team at your Church. Find out what its like to be in the middle of the work force and see what they deal with 50 - 60 hours a week. Leave your office, leave your favorite coffee shop, leave your pulpit just long enough to smell, touch, taste, see and feel what your hard working "tithe paying" members are doing. Being a pastor is a calling... yes. But its also a privilege.