I wonder how many failures it took before Michael Jorden to perfect his untouchable famous fade-away shot? I wonder how many times it took Tiger to perfect his shot before he could make "the shot"?
From what I read, it took znd takes thousands of hours of practice and failure.
How many wild anamils did the sheppard David miss as his flock was devoured?
How many Christians where killed befor Paul encountered Jesus?
How may times did beter eat foot fungus befor he could prech with oldness on the day of Pentecost?
How many times has it, or is still taking you, to be where you know God wants you?
For me? after 29 years of marriage, 19 yeaers of speaking, yeaching and communicating the Gospel and nearly a life time of stupid failures I have learned this..........I am still trying.
Even if I limp, crawl, roll and cry I am still trying!
What about you, what about you, are you still trying?