Several years ago I preached a message called "When life gets louder than God".
I have had one heck of a week. With all of the drama going on in my life I have not heard Him very well. Therefore I am coming to the end of this year with a little bit of resolve.
When people are hurting, that is God saying help.
When people are cursing me that is God saying - this is a test.
When people are numb, that is God saying "Pray for them"
When an "offering basket" is passed by that is God saying, "give".
When my kids laugh, that is God saying "go ahead laugh with them!"
I know its Gods voice ANYTIME I read Scripture
I know ITS NOT God's voice when im confused.
Come to think of it loud gets so loud that we KNOW WHEN sATAN IS ATTACKING US, but we cant here the one who is protecting us.
I choose to hear God and hopefully become deaf to satan -
Can you hear Him now? Just a Thought.....