Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I long for it. I long for the day when i can walk into a hospital room and lay my hands on a person who is sick with cancer, heart disease, etc... I long to see the stuff that happened in the Bible to happen in my life. I long to see a God that I know is active, be active in my life. I know things happen "according to His will" but I refuse to use that as an excuse. Jesus Christ said, "I am gonna die, and then be raised again, then I will pray to the Father (God) that He will send the POWER of the Holy Spirit. It happened then, it happens now and I want it. Not for me, not for popular gain, not to feel good, but to see people changed and draw other people to God. I am not talking about belief or doctrine. I am talking about a real God, that really cares and really loves me. A powerful God, that longs to powerfully touch me. I long for it, and I will walk in it. Just a thought..........

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