Friday, March 13, 2009


We are all guilty of judging, right? We see someone in a big house and think, man they MUST be loaded. We see someone driving a new Lexis and think, " must be nice". Or maybe we think, "I bet those people are in to major debt.

Perception. It is a dangerous thing. It is what we perceive, believe and then count as fact about an issue or issues. I have done it many times.

My perception of the Cross.....

My perception of "religion".....

My perception of "the good ole days".....

My perception of the future Church.....

Basically what I am trying to say is, I might just be wrong. The cross was probably a lot more brutal than I could ever perceive.

Other religions, (not cults) but ones that do not practice the same methods that I do as a pentecostal (Assemblies of God), are probably doing great things for Jesus way beyond what I perceive.

The good ole days are probably not just old fashioned ways of older people, they are probably a very strong and vibrant Church that wants to join hands with the Church of today.

The future Church? They are probably not some whacked out unprincipled, new age movement. They are probably a new up and coming generation that wants to join hands with us and the Church of the past.


What is yours? Are you sure that is the right one?

Just a Thought.....

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