Saturday, October 17, 2009


- God calls a pastor to a city, not a denomination.

- If a Church wants a particular Man/Woman to be there pastor and he/She feels the same you'd think that would be the will of God.

- When a man/woman does not fit the "mold" of that denomination, they are rejected.

- God says yes, while man (denomination) is saying no.

- So, because God WILL NOT go against the will (free choice) of man, then the Church that is controlled by the denomination will suffer and loose its identity and be forced to shape up to a different image or ship out.

- Church planting??????? yea, i know its the thing to do right now. Yes, it works and it is awesome. however, what about Church "re-planting" ?

- Shouldn't existing churches (That are willing) be allowed to be transformed through leadership (pastor) that is not "like" the denomination?

- We are called to people, towns, cities, over seas, inner city, rural, etc....

- i guess the denomination might say (or probably think, because saying it would take to much guts) "Don't bite the hand that feeds ya"

- Sad

_ heartbreaking

- Dont ya think?

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