Friday, January 29, 2010

Elephants, Gorilla's and other Animal's that poop

Taking a Team within a company that has plateaued or is in decline to a level of healthy growth will be painful.

Some people don't like change or different.

Some people like it the "old way" because it's their style.

So transitioning the team into a healthy oiled machine will require sacrifice, a season of pain, and focusing on what really matters: people NOT product.

The first and most important detail that must take place for a dysfunctional team to become functional, is to expose what everyone already knows or think they know.

In other word's if there is an Elephant, Gorilla or any other kind of animal that is leaving a mess in the room; someone needs to talk about it.

There are different things that we do within a group of people that we work with that we would not do with our own family. For the most part we do not like to talk about or discuss openly any issues that the team is facing.

I call it, "Natural Tension"

Tension is needed within a group.

If we can get past our Ego, then the tension of the problem can be discussed in a healthy way.

The tension factor is usually handled by that one person in the group who is "the one person in the group" who speaks up all of the time. That, is unhealthy. There should be a way created within each cell or team for the tensions to be brought to the table.

Without tension, we will just white wash the issue only for it to resurface later.

In the next several posts I will talk about tension vs. conflict and how they are both recipes for success or failure.

My question for you is at this time would be this.....

Are there ant "tension's" on your team at work, school, church, etc... that need to be brought to the table. How do you deal or process through them?

How have you gone from unhealthy to healthy, or the reverse?

I would love to read your story.

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