Monday, January 18, 2010

The Right People

Who do you allow to talk to you?

Better yet, who are you listening to?

When you approach am issue, a problem, etc., what advice is in your arsenal?

Here are three types of people we MUST have in our life.

1. Connectors

They know everyone, and cab connect you to the group you need to target

2. Mavens

They know a lot of information about your target group

3. Sales people

They can take your product to your target group and sale it.

You nay know someone who holds all of these attributes or one. You may hold a couple of them yourself. The point is have them in your life. They need you, you need them and together you can cause what author, Malcolm Gladwell calls, "The Tipping Point. Its when your product or vision grows rapidly.

Who do you have in your life?

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