Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Romancing the past

Today God spoke to me loud and clear.

As I near the 40 mark in my life I find myself saying more and more, "remember when."

Wow, what is so intreaging about the past?

The good memories. Sure there are bad ones as well. But we stuff those in until we want to be the victim. (thats another post for another time).

We like to, in the words of Rob Bell, "Romance the past".

Dont we?

The time we did that........... This.......... and the other.

How the story went (no matter how sweet or sour it was) is not how it has to be... Or become.

I have been married for 20 years. Great years. Surly though the next 20 will be even better than the past 20, right?

Simply put, I hear God say in a very still, small, whispering voice. "Quit dancing with the past"

My dance partner is the now. I will "romance" the now and plan for the future - which will be better.

As a matter of fact I love to dance. However, if I try to dance like I did then, well haha, I think I will just dance how I do now.

Break dancing anyone? Just A Thought.....

1 comment:

lmashe81 said...

I once remeber a dance that you did one night that I wish i could forget. It is forever scared my mind...lol. love ya!
