Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Living Beyond Ourselves

In my mind are about a thousand and one thoughts that are all trying to flow at the same time! Maybe its add, ocd, adhd... or maybe its just me trapped in my own mind.

The most dangerous thing in the world is to do life alone. No, I am not talking about being single (if you are thats great). I am not talking about getting alone by your self for times of prayer, reflection or just watching a good movie.

What I am talking about is doing life outside of ourselves.

Its a very easy thing to do, and the result is being self - centered and closed minded. I know, it has happened to me.

Life is not meant, nor has it EVER been meant to be spent alone. We MUST DO LIFE OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES. We can share it with family, co-workers, church family, even strangers.

What is your passion? Find someone who has the same interest in that passion and share your goals and work with them in doing it.

Raise money for missions
feed the homeless
Build a deck for an elderly person
Create a blog and share your calling with the world
Coach a little league team
Find out how to change the world and "get to chang'n"

Do it together, NOT ALONE!!!!!

What is your calling, itching or burden in life? Share that with someone.

Pray with someone, cry, laugh, be still, serve, worship, eat, run, walk, crawl with someone.

Live life outside of your self. Find your passion and share those thousand and one thoughts with someone. Besides, you need another opinion other than the one you keep giving to yourself.

How about you? Are you living life outside of yourself? How? I would love to know.


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