Sunday, September 13, 2009

Me, Angry?

So, i posted on my facebook this quote,

Randy G. Wood Is it really a big deal to say "we had a huge crowd at Church today"? Just curious, because the USC - Ohio State game had over 100,000 people last night.

A friend of mine responded by saying "You seem angry".

I don't think I am. Or, maybe i am.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a husband. I am a dad. Anything other than that is just extra.

For the last nearly 20 years of being a preacher/pastor, I got so caught up in all of the extra stuff that goes on in Church. When I pastored at CrossPoint, I could not wait to tell someone that we had 180 on a Sunday Morning.

It was an ego stroke to me.

Am I angry?

Well, if being disgusted by all of the egotistic pastors, leaders, and so forth keep using their status to say "Hey, I am the man", in so many words, then yes I am angry. That breaks the heart of God.

Do we really think He is impressed with how many we have at a Church service?

No, I do not think small rinky dink stalled out churches impress God either.

Its awesome to walk in ANY atmosphere that has a lot of people you like and see, who are there for the reason you are. (Church, a football game, a bar, a school event, etc...) but,

My whole point is... Who cares?????

I am a follower of Jesus Christ (who, by the way loves me more than I love Him) a husband and a dad.

Those are the things that He is impressed with. That I take the daily challenge of a smile and share it with people.

Am I angry. Well, maybe.... naaaa, just glad I'm not the insecure pastor I used to be.

By the way, I don't like Ohio State either :)

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