Question: Can destiny happen in a vacuum?
I was talking to a coupe of co-workers on my break today and asked them this question. I posed the question in the form of what I call, "Plinko in a sealed room' Go with me on this.......
Remember the game 'Plinko" on the game show "
When the chip would land in a large money slot, the contestant would try from the very same spot with different results only to be frustrated.
I have been told that if you try the same thing you will get the same results. tell the contestant that. Maybe it is the atmosphere of the room. Maybe its the air coming from the vents blowing it. Maybe it is the rumble of the audience cheering vibrating it in a different direction. Maybe.
So, lets change the atmosphere.
A vacuumed room - sealed tight - plinko - a machine that is programed to drop the chip at the same place with the pegs, board, and all aspects with NO variables to change it.
Can destiny be changed in a vacuum? A sealed off room?
My co-workers said No. I asked, why? they said because its impossible to create that atmosphere.
As is life. THERE IS NOT A "ONE FORMULA" that can work EVERY TIME... Enter, the Cross. Jesus. The Messiah. YHWH. GOD.
He (Jesus) said, "I am the (Only) way, the (only) truth the (Only) Life"
That, is destiny.
That IS a cure all.
So, from the moment we accept Christ, does our destiny begin? Free will VS. Unconditional Election.
Macbeth. Was that "supposed" to happened? Could it have changed?
Judas (who betrayed Jesus), was that "Supposed" to happened? Could it have been changed?
The plinko chip. In a sealed environment - could it fall in the same place every time?
Me and You, In a sealed environment - does that effect us?
Or, does God drop us on earth like plinko chips (with a Bible) and say "I'll see you on the other side."
What do you think?
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