Before I write this I want to establish a couple of facts
First, I used to be a bigot! A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
Secondly it is my own personal opinion that I believe there is a God and that He loves me. I know that Jesus Christ is His Son and that He died for me. I know that there is NOTHING that will stop God from loving me, nothing.
Now that I said that I want to rant just a little.
I am a guy who has been graced with a gift to love people NO MATTER WHAT or WHO they are.
For the last 20 years i tried to keep my self "separated from the world". Because that is what narrow minded "christians" do.
I was taught and taught others that basically God was ticked. I was taught and taught others that there is a standard to live by.
I was told and told others that gay people were going to hell.
I was told that if a person does not go to church they are not really "saved"
I was told and I preached that "our way was it".
Sad hugh? Sad that I was such a judge. Such an arrogant jerk.
Sad that I was all about trying to be cool.
Sad that i looked down on "smokers, drinkers, non believers, other religions, etc.
No I am not some ticked of preacher ticked off at other preachers. I am a Man who Knows there is a God that loves us a whole lot more than we love Him.
He does not care how many were at your church last Sunday. he does not care how small your church is.
From my own perspective, I believe that "christians" need to stop being bigots and stop asking for so much when many give out so little.
If you call yourself a "christian" then please, for the love of God, smile!! (pun intended)
Just get out of your little shell and laugh!!!!!
Check your narrow mind at the door and look at mankind and say to yourself, "I am just as screwed up as everyone else"
No creed can "save" you.
No church can "save" you.
No man can "save" you.
God chose, ALL BY HIMSELF, to love us.
If you disagree, please let me know. If you agree, let me know.
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