Friday, July 16, 2010



People are hurting in the shadows of your church.


People really don't care how cool your church is


Do you hear them.... Crying?

No? Turn down your Church programs...... Now do you hear them?


There are people in your Church who feel beat up because they don't feel like they can measure up to what you are beating them down with.

A whisper.... vaguely asking questions

Questioning God

Questioning life

Can you hear them?

Maybe you cant because they don't ask you... they are afraid to question you. So they ask God.

They might be mad at God... but even He knows that is taboo in a building with his name on it.

People need God

Did you know that?



Not your doctrine


Listen............. Shut the door of your church, just for a while and see what God is doing in other places that you would not be caught in.

He is under the bridge with a homeless person

He is at a bar watching them have fun, while you judge them for going.

He is holding the hand of a Muslim, Christian and a Buddhist because he loves them all.

He is at the football game... yep on a Sunday!

He is in Arkansas

New York City


Small towns



Honky Tonks

At a rich person's house

A Poor persons house

A card board box

He is at Wal - Mart

He is with you

Listen.. Shhhh...

Do you hear Him?


Zach said...

This is why I enjoy you.

We need more people seen as role models like you brudda, who say it how they see it

Just A Thought..... said...

Thanks Zach, love ya dude.