Friday, May 30, 2008

Powerful Network

I was told by a great leader a few years ago to "never underestimate the power of a network". That was before all of the popular social networking sites came out. Wow, was he right or what??!! If you know one person you have a network. The question is, who's network are you in? The people around us can use us as dumpsters and diapers or they can help us to learn and lean. Connection is so vital. I only allow a few people to truly speak INTO my life. The rest, well that same leader said "eat the chicken and spit out the bones". I believe one of my callings are to help other leaders. I dream of connecting and downloading useful information into young leaders so that the Gospel of Jesus can be applied and multiplied. I desire to form a network of men, women, students and kids that will be part of a NON COOKIE - CUTTER atmosphere. I wonder what it would be like? I wonder how powerful a positive, proactive and non selfish network could be, if not underestimated? Just a thought.....

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi Bro. Randy! Yes, we all have a network, and speaking of networks, I was wanting to follow up with you concerning the Assembly of God Blogs network that you signed up to join a few days ago. I sent you a follow up email a couple of days ago, but I don't know if you received it or not. (If you didn't see one from ahoosierfamily you may want to check your spam.) I wanted to assure you it was a real person behind the email. (I'm an A/G Pastor's Wife from Indiana). Anyway, hope to hear from you soon. Blessings! ~Sharon~ (Owner/Moderator of Assembly of God Blogs)