Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mind Dump

Its Thursday

Mental challanges this week!

Trying to be a dad, I am pretty dang good at it!

Trying to be a husband, uhhhhhhh. LOL

Trying to be a pastor, I am PERFECT at that (perfect in failure :)

Monday started at 4am ended at midnight

Tuesday started at 5:30 am, I do not remember when it ended

Wednesday started at 5am it ended around 11pm

Thursday, let me see....

Its lightly snowing

Its cold

Its warm where i am at

I met a former church leader (not from CPC) who was very impressive (he and his wife were and are VERY humble)

I have got to speak with two HUGE business leaders today and they feed my passion (not for money, but for people)

The guy behind me right now just called his daughter to tell her it was snowing. Apparently she has not taken time to look outside and her dad knew that

I am fed up with people who are "into their feelings ALL THE TIME") That was including me, i get sick of myself to before you might call it judging

The little old lady setting in front of me has a contagious laugh, I am gonna tell her thank you before i leave.

I get to go visit someone in the hospital in a moment. When I start working a "full time" job that wil not happen as often as people think it should for a "pastor" LOLOL

My son just called me and needs me to fix his headlight switch, uhhhh ok, now I am a mechanic? Well, I will try then I will call my bro in law to do it right :)

If you are reading this and.......

You are bored then......




Go out side and scream REALLY loud "Live from New York, it's Thursday afternoon!!!!"

Tell someone they made your day!


if you are reading this and say WOW RANDY YOU CANT SPELL!!

i agree

If you are down
stand up
if you are up

If you havnt dumped your mind as of late - then creat a blog and do it!!!

If you ahve a "plank in your eye", I bet that hurts, dont it?

If you are reading this and you havnt laughed yet then cry!

If you are reading this and are crying, then go grab a tissue and cry away!!

if i have ever hurt you, forgive me. i did not do it on purpose.

If you have a hard time believing in a God, its ok He believes in You.

If you are a pastor and are burned out, Its ok. you will be ok. 

If you are a follower of Jesus, isnt that great?!

If you are not a follower of Jesus, turn around.... He is following you.

Go right now.....
look in the mirror

and say this.

"Dang I am so fine!!!!!!!!!!"

Be humble about it though :)

If you gossip.... Shut up!

If you cant sing, then write a song.... its in you

If you like to sing, then sing the persons song who cant

If you are a people watcher, quit staring!


Just a Thought.........

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