Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello, my Name Is Randy Wood and I am a........

Do you ever struggle?

I have been a "Christian" for over 22 years now. I have been in "ministry" for about 20 years now.

There are certain things in the "Christian Community" that are Taboo. Just don't talk about it. or use little things like, "I'll be praying for you" to walk around the subject at hand only to never give it another thought.

Hello, my name is Randy Wood and i am a.......

Person who struggles with belief in God

Ouch! For all of you preachers that have say or have said the ole, "I know, that I know that I know that I know......" Well, guess what I struggle with KNOWING.

Hello my name is Randy wood and I am a.....

person who struggles with being a good husband

Yep, I am a dude.. and most dudes struggle with it. I asked a fellow bus driver a few weeks ago how he stayed happily married for 67 years!! he said, "well, happy is not a good word..... I have learned to listen to her and shut up" yep... i struggle with the "shut up" part!

Hello, my name is randy Wood and i am a.....

person who struggles with a bad temper

person who struggles with my emotions

person who struggles with intolerant "christians"

person who struggles with addiction..... of a lot of stuff!

I struggle with the idea of 350 lbs preachers preaching about "gett'n free" when they are bound up in their fat gut!

I struggle with so, so much more.... but I guess I better not elaborate more or I might ruin my "christian profile" LOL!

Hello, my name is Randy Wood and i am a person who dares to laugh at himself.

How bout you?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We are Who we hang with

Have you ever heard the saying, "You are who you hang with" ?

There is so much truth to that.

I love people. All kinds of people.

When i was in college, I hung with my peers Etc....

It's true, we are the company we keep.

It can be a double edged sword though.

Once again, I love people. But not all of them are close. As a matter of fact, most people I know i am not close to.

I only have a small group of people that I am close to. Even a smaller group that I "hang" with.

When i am at work, church, etc. it is easy to take on the attitude of the energy of those groups.

So, with that daily challenge, I hope to take on my own God given daily developed attitude. I would in short, like to be the best me I can be and be the example not the follower.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dancing with Chaos

There is a theory called "Social Entropy". Its basically another phrase for Dancing with Chaos. Another key phrase is "being fluid"

There is nothing "wrong" with having principals to stand on, but being "non-fluid" is.

With ANY social gathering and or event there MUST be a leader that is willing to dance with Chaos. Why? Because anywhere there are more than one person gathered THERE WILL BE CHAOS. There must be a person, leader that is willing to ALLOW the tension in the room create a rhythm to dance too.

No, i do not like chaos. However, I do like to try and be fluid enough to hear ALL sides of the story to try and come to a resolve.

Its tough, very tough. But someone has to dance. Someone has to "hear the song" and dance. Its the only way to be the agent of change.

At the office, factory, school, or where ever there are people.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Remember the story of Macbeth? He tried to change his own destiny only to see the "prophesies" about him come true. To make a long story short he tried to avoid his foretold death only to be beheaded as his "fate".

Question: Can destiny happen in a vacuum?

I was talking to a coupe of co-workers on my break today and asked them this question. I posed the question in the form of what I call, "Plinko in a sealed room' Go with me on this.......

Remember the game 'Plinko" on the game show "The Price Is Right"? The game was all about the luck of the way a large poker looking chip would be dropped along the top of strategically placed pegs. When a person would drop the chip down the plinko board it would bounce along the pegs, and if "luck" was on their side it could land in the 10,000 money slot.

When the chip would land in a large money slot, the contestant would try from the very same spot with different results only to be frustrated.


I have been told that if you try the same thing you will get the same results. tell the contestant that. Maybe it is the atmosphere of the room. Maybe its the air coming from the vents blowing it. Maybe it is the rumble of the audience cheering vibrating it in a different direction. Maybe.

So, lets change the atmosphere.

A vacuumed room - sealed tight - plinko - a machine that is programed to drop the chip at the same place with the pegs, board, and all aspects with NO variables to change it.

Can destiny be changed in a vacuum? A sealed off room?

My co-workers said No. I asked, why? they said because its impossible to create that atmosphere.


As is life. THERE IS NOT A "ONE FORMULA" that can work EVERY TIME... Enter, the Cross. Jesus. The Messiah. YHWH. GOD.

He (Jesus) said, "I am the (Only) way, the (only) truth the (Only) Life"

That, is destiny.

That IS a cure all.

So, from the moment we accept Christ, does our destiny begin? Free will VS. Unconditional Election.

Macbeth. Was that "supposed" to happened? Could it have changed?

Judas (who betrayed Jesus), was that "Supposed" to happened? Could it have been changed?

The plinko chip. In a sealed environment - could it fall in the same place every time?

Me and You, In a sealed environment - does that effect us?

Or, does God drop us on earth like plinko chips (with a Bible) and say "I'll see you on the other side."

What do you think?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Intollerance of modern christianity

The Christmas season is upon us, which means the Christians are gettin' mad.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. Should I be mad right now?

Evidently I should. I should be very angry about these Atheists Holiday adds, which promote a secular approach to Christmas the holidays.

Silly, hugh?

Why are some Christians so intolerant?

Who is right?

We study God (Theology) really?? God? we study Him? We have Him figured out?

Is he a "Southern God"?

Is He a "Yankee" God?

No, No I Got it He is an American God.... Wrong!

What denomination is He?

Cmon, admit it. We all think we are "right" and they (they being other religions) are wrong.

Growing up i spent most of the weekends at my Grandma's house. I would sleep on a pallet on the floor and she would talk to me about God with a since of colorful love. She was so real, so authentic. She was a "Jehovah's Witness".

Later when I became a "christian" I was told they (my Grandma and her "cult") were wrong and going to hell.

I even remember saying that behind a pulpit while preaching one time.

I was... Intollerant.

I was a bigot.

Do I agree with their belief system? Nope.

Do I think they are wrong? Nope.

Think about it. When you worship God on the day that you set aside to worship Him, what does He see?

Once again. I believe in God. I believe that he knows me inside and out. he loves me a whole lot more than I love Him. The rest.... its up to Him.

My Grandma? Yep, He loved her too. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I was a narrow minded bigot!

Before I write this I want to establish a couple of facts

First, I used to be a bigot! A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

Secondly it is my own personal opinion that I believe there is a God and that He loves me. I know that Jesus Christ is His Son and that He died for me. I know that there is NOTHING that will stop God from loving me, nothing.

Now that I said that I want to rant just a little.

I am a guy who has been graced with a gift to love people NO MATTER WHAT or WHO they are.

For the last 20 years i tried to keep my self "separated from the world". Because that is what narrow minded "christians" do.

I was taught and taught others that basically God was ticked. I was taught and taught others that there is a standard to live by.

I was told and told others that gay people were going to hell.

I was told that if a person does not go to church they are not really "saved"

I was told and I preached that "our way was it".

Sad hugh? Sad that I was such a judge. Such an arrogant jerk.

Sad that I was all about trying to be cool.

Sad that i looked down on "smokers, drinkers, non believers, other religions, etc.

No I am not some ticked of preacher ticked off at other preachers. I am a Man who Knows there is a God that loves us a whole lot more than we love Him.

He does not care how many were at your church last Sunday. he does not care how small your church is.

From my own perspective, I believe that "christians" need to stop being bigots and stop asking for so much when many give out so little.

If you call yourself a "christian" then please, for the love of God, smile!! (pun intended)

Just get out of your little shell and laugh!!!!!

Check your narrow mind at the door and look at mankind and say to yourself, "I am just as screwed up as everyone else"

No creed can "save" you.

No church can "save" you.

No man can "save" you.

God chose, ALL BY HIMSELF, to love us.

If you disagree, please let me know. If you agree, let me know.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Big Picture Thinking Part 1

.....IT IS A MESS.....

Now, when you read that you probebly see a negitive statement.

Its not fair though. Its like walking in on the middle of a conversation and walking away before its over and all you heard was "it is a mess".

Big picture thinking is more that that.

If you are dealing with a product or a person, then 'big picture thinking" is the biggest ingredient.

Here are three things to consider when being a "Big Picture Thinker".

1. What happened before you got there.

2. What is happening now.

3. What do those facts predict about the possible future results.

Here is another look at .....IT WAS A MESS.....

When we came home, our dog had drug a trash bag out to the yard. It was a mess! So we walked outside and cleaned it up and secured the trash in its proper place.

If you are dealing with people, this theory is a must! You MUST be a big picture thinker!

Friday, November 27, 2009

8 sure fire ways to stay positive

1. Look in your bedroom closet, I bet you have clothes.

2. Look at your checkbook. The balance is low, but you bought food for your home.

3. Look at your past, all of your failures are forgiven.

4. Look at your present, you have NOW.

5. Look at your future, because if you failed in your past and its effecting your present, you can change your future.

6. Look behind you..... see I told you your failures are gone!

7. Look at your NOW, don't you feel better?

8. Look at your future, ahhh! You can't see it?? Neither can I. Its called an empty canvas that God wants to paint in partnership with you.

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 things that I love to laugh at!

OK, So you may know, I work at Kroger and Drive a bus. Here are some of the things I really enjoy about my job(s)

One of my all time favorite things to do is watch people. Why? Cause people (including me) are a trip!

Here are 10 things that make me belly laugh!

10. The lady who comes in every other day to get fresh rye bread, if we are out she proceeds to throw a fit because the bread is for "communion". Ummm OKKKK!!

9. The guy who comes in every Tuesday with his sweet, yet strong willed wife of 61 years and just paiently waits. I ask him the same question every Tuesday. "Whats your secret" he always just smiles and say's "I just say ""yes dear"".

8. The Young lady that "begs" her child to be a good boy. Really?????

7. The construction workers who come in to eat, wearing suspenders, butt crack still showing!! LOL!!!

6. The little old lady on Tuesday that comes in like clock work to tell me a story about the hat she is wearing that day. One week it was about her trip to Tunica, the next was about eating with those damn Church people.. Love her!!

5. The young boy on my bus who always tells his sister, "I am gonna tell MaMa on you!!" (you have to have siblings to appreciate the humor in that!)

4. The little boy on my bus who picks his nose and "secretly" rubs it on another little girls backpack! (Nope, i have not called him out on it yet... she has it coming) :)

3. The 8th grader, who is an "honor" student but could not tell me his adress!!

2. The 4th greader who sounds like Larry the Cable guy when he talks.

and 1?

1. The kid who has gas EVERY Friday morning. Why, well I asked him the other day why he has to fart every Friday on the bus at least 238 times!!! (ok maybe 3 or 4) His answer? "Because Thursday night is Taco Night"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things that matter


Its about the the things that matter.

A couple of years ago I lost my brother.... The time we had as kids, mattered.

A few months ago I resigned from a Church as a pastor of some wonderful people.... The people that I pastored, mattered.

Almost 21 years ago I married Tami. The whole marriage matters.

17 years ago luke was born, he matters

11 years ago Jacob was born, he matters

All of the junk, all of the things that are tangible, really dont matter. They have there place, but they dont matter.

Friends that we make and learn from, matter

Even some of the enemies that we learn from, matter

People matter.

You matter.

Be thankful.



Enjoy your life, because NOW matters.

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 23, 2009

Then I Blinked

Then I blinked
The earliest memory that I have as a child is waking up and thinking no onw was in the house and i freaked out! I think I was about 4. Then I blinked.....

I was entering kindergarten and ready to takel the play-doe project. Then I blinked.....

I was entering the 6th grade and my body was changing and girls no longer had "kooties". Then I blinked.....

Jr. High School. Lol. I wont even go there at the moment. Then I blinked.....

High School. Scarey. Then I blinked.....

Met Tami (My wife). Then I blinked.....

Our first child. then I blinked.....

Then college and then another child then another blink.....

Now a 17 year old and a 11 year old. Blink.....

Opps... just a second.....

Had to fix my contact lens, I blinked again and it almost fell out....

Just a Thought.....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

People "A" and People "B"

Meyer Friedman, an American cardiologist, noticed in the 1940's that the chairs in his waiting room got worn out from the edges. They hypothesized that his patients were driven, impatient people, who sat on the edge of their seats when waiting. They labelled these people "Type A" personalities. Type A personalities are work-aholics, always busy, driven, somewhat impatient, and so on. Type B personalities, on the other hand are laid back and easy going.

One is not better than the other. Each compliment the other.

Enter... Team Leader Training.

If a person is in leadership or Management, (which by the way, are not necessarily the same), do not know their leaders then the lid of effectiveness is lower than it should be.

Leadership Expert John Maxwell said, “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them."

If a leader or a manager wants to be effective, then the daily practice of knowing people A and People B must be in place.

People are people. They have feelings, family, friends and foes. With that comes all kinds of emotions. When those emotions manifest (and they always do) it is very important to know and understand the person.

Yes, it does take a lot of work... however, the long term of it produces people who produce.

As for person A and Person B. They will reward you with less worn out seats. ;)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So, i always said that life is a roller coaster. I have used all kind of metaphors in trying to describe it when i was a pastor. Now that i am not one, I am defining it from a different view. I really.... I MEAN REALLY, was out of tune with the average worker. Now that i am working a couple of jobs I understand this side I'm on a little better. So, to all of my full time "pastor friends", please know that you may have a stressful job, but you also need to get out and join the sweating workforce from time to time and see what they are going through on a daily basis. Find out (lest you forgot) what its like to have to use a sick day to stay home with your kids When they are sick. Find out whats its like NOT to be able to go to "meetings" several times a week and brainstorm with your team at your Church. Find out what its like to be in the middle of the work force and see what they deal with 50 - 60 hours a week. Leave your office, leave your favorite coffee shop, leave your pulpit just long enough to smell, touch, taste, see and feel what your hard working "tithe paying" members are doing. Being a pastor is a calling... yes. But its also a privilege.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Memories

This Saturday is Halloween! Man, we had a good time growing up getting all of that free candy (those tiny snickers and reese's cups) I grew up in a family of 7 so we didnt get to buy our costumes. We would make ours. Wow, that brought out our creativity!
What is your greatest memory of Halloween?

Saturday, October 17, 2009


- God calls a pastor to a city, not a denomination.

- If a Church wants a particular Man/Woman to be there pastor and he/She feels the same you'd think that would be the will of God.

- When a man/woman does not fit the "mold" of that denomination, they are rejected.

- God says yes, while man (denomination) is saying no.

- So, because God WILL NOT go against the will (free choice) of man, then the Church that is controlled by the denomination will suffer and loose its identity and be forced to shape up to a different image or ship out.

- Church planting??????? yea, i know its the thing to do right now. Yes, it works and it is awesome. however, what about Church "re-planting" ?

- Shouldn't existing churches (That are willing) be allowed to be transformed through leadership (pastor) that is not "like" the denomination?

- We are called to people, towns, cities, over seas, inner city, rural, etc....

- i guess the denomination might say (or probably think, because saying it would take to much guts) "Don't bite the hand that feeds ya"

- Sad

_ heartbreaking

- Dont ya think?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



I have heard it said that there are three stages to relationship
1. Lust
2. Rust
3. Dust

Our relationship with anything requires attention – If not we get, awkwardness, lack of faith, lack of movement, which ends up being…..RUST

There are three key and vital relationships

1. God
2. Family
3. Strangers

Within these three it requires some type of communication – some type of involvement, some type of ongoing movement.

What happens to cause us to Rust Up? What is it that would cause us to come to a place of worthlessness, uselessness and depressed.


That is the chemical formula for rust

What happens in this process?

At what point do we feel useless, broken, worthless and or depressed?


Song of Solomon 2:15 (New International Version)

15 Catch for us the foxes,
the little foxes
that ruin the vineyards,
our vineyards that are in bloom

It’s the little things that cause us to rust. It’s the little things that we think , “no big deal”

There are several actions that take place when our vine is spoiled, or our relationships become rusty –

It’s a process , not an event

The first Action that causes Rust is – Oxidation
Oxidation is………


The second action that causes Rust – Corrosion

Corrosion is……….


The Final action that cause Rust is – Rot

Rot is…….


Are you feeling a little Rusty?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is Hope a Dangerous Thing?

I was watching one of the greatest movies of all times, "The Shawshank Redemption". Morgan freeman was responding to what Tim Robbins had said about hope. He said, "hope is something they could cannot take away."

"Oh, that I might have my request,
that God would grant what I hope for

That is what Job prayed in the 6Th chapter.

Hope is something that has to be dug up from deep rooted hurt sometimes.

There are three things that I am currently hoping for.

1. That i no more regrets. (the opposite of regret is joy)

2. That I can have enough finical peace to sustain my family more than ever.

3. The return of Christ.

Hope - Its a dangerous thing -

Its something that cannot be taken away.

What are you hoping for? What are you digging for?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Have you ever sat and listened to someone tell their story of success? I sat and listened to a friend tell of all of their escapades and things they have done. I smiled and listened as they sipped on their starbucks and talked about money, travel and what not.
A part of me was jealous, while another part of me was sick.
Why was I wanting what they had? All of a sudden I felt like they were better than me! I mean look at me, I am just a school bus driver and I work in a grocery store.
I can't compare to them or their other friends. I don't make that kind of money and don't know if I ever will.
I guess its just something I need to get over. I guess its just me being stupid.
I did it when I pastored too. I would compare myself with other pastors. My Church with other churches, etc.
I guess I'm the proverbial kid with the "prowing" shoes wanting to ware the brand name "Nike's".
I CANNOT compare!
This is just me being real here.
Do you ever get that way? Come on be real with me!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Friday, September 25, 2009

Between Two Worlds

As Jesus hung on the cross it is said in the Scripture that He was suspended between heaven and earth.
It was at that point that He was caught between two worlds.
In the world below He was leaving 33 and 1/2 years of family, ministry and friends.
In the world above it was heaven the place of beginnings (for the lack of a better term).
Have you ever been there? Stuck between there, here and there?
Wanting "this cup to pass from you"?
Feeling rejected after dieing for your cause?
Thats what it means to be caught in between two worlds.

What jesus wanted to do is to tell the world that God loves them... they did not like Him or recieve Him. Heaven was waiting.... The angels were watching and God was weeping.

Today.... we are there... stuck between the there, here and the there. The world rejects us, the angels are watching and God is weeping.

One day it will all make since... Until then, be you. be yourself be creative and keep listening to God.

We are suspended between earth and heaven... they are watching. They are wondering why you are unique. Why you just wont be like them (the unchurched, the churched, the christian, the non believer, etc....).

What do we do. We remain open to His uniqueness to be manafest in us. His creativity to be used through us.

Be different

Be you

go for it

yea, they might kill you, but you will end up there. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1 Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives,2 but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them.3 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.
  4 "Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the act of adultery.5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?"
  6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger.7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
  9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman.10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, "Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?"
  11 "No, Lord," she said.
  And Jesus said, "Neither do I. Go and sin no more."

People are trapped

Religion is trapped

We can be seduced by systems that will trap everything about us.

Our creativity

Our expression

Our opinions

Our interpretations

Only when we are caught in the act of sin does the church at large come on the scene…. To stone us.

I am not speaking on tolerance this morning, I am speaking on grace

Trapped, confused, dirty, matted hair, naked before her accusers (while the dude got away!!!!)

Sin? Yep

Wrong? Sure

Guilty? As charged

Do you remember what it was like to be trapped?

Can you relate to people who are?

Are you trapped on this side or that side?

This side –

The woman that was caught……..

Jesus was teaching, they brought this women and threw her on the ground in her shame at the feet of Jesus

She was snatched out of the bed

Most likely not enough time to put her clothes on

She lays there trembling and shaking
Dazed, confused and condemned

Trapped by her sin

Oh what a terrible thing to be trapped on this side. What a terrible thing to know that you are living in a way that does not please God.

To know that at anytime your sin could be called out on you.


To know that you want to stop, but can’t

She probably said to herself as she lay in the bed after the act, “why do I keep doing this?”

Why can’t I stop?

Why can’t I get out of this depression?

Why do I gossip so much?

Why do I always spend more than I make/

Why do I do what I do?


The evidence was in their hands and all she could do is sob on the ground as they asked Jesus,

“What are you going to do with this women???!!!!!!”



Religion, the Church, the ones who have it all right??”

The Pharisees knew the word; they just did not know the author!

They came to challenge the author about his own word!

It’s always stupid to challenge an author about a book he wrote.

They attacked that women’s sin in the name of the “word”

They attacked her with words, they abused her with words

Calling her a whore, no good person


(Story of a lady at Ferndale Assembly of God that was told to wear a dress if she came)


On this side it’s hard to see grace

On that side it’s harder

She has shame

They have venom and judgment

They threw her down and said

What are you gonna do now?

She lay whimpering


But before he spoke……………….

The bible states that He stooped down

On that ground is where divinity touched humanity

The statements were not in what he word or words or whatever He wrote

The statement was that he turned his back and did not say anything

She was trapped – Jesus was stooping

When the law caught us in the lowness of our sin, God stooped

They watched him

She peaked out of the corner of her eye

Maybe in his silence they remembered some of the words that the author of the book said
“He humbled himself even a little lower than the angels

“He came in flesh”

As a baby in a horse troth

He became poor so we could be rich

Isn’t it funny, that when the religious men stood up, Jesus stooped down?

Do you remember what it was like to need Jesus to stoop down and save you?

Jesus stooped down, because she could not get up


I don’t wanna thank him for my job this morning, or my clothes or my house or my family

I wanna thank Him because when I was caught in the act on THIS SIDE – THAT SIDE had to throw down there rocks!!!!!

I was in trouble


No where to look – so low I couldn’t look up

But Jesus stooped!!!!!

Jesus reached waaaaayyyyy down

I should have been stoned –

They had the evidence to destroy me

My sin mocked me

I was trapped!

This side – that side

To get out of the trap of this side we have to allow Jesus to stoop down

To get out of the trap of that side, stoop down yourself!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Context of "Religion" did you grow up in?

1. Denomination?

2. What part of the country?

3. How many times a week?

4. Traditional or Contempory?

5. Which version of the Bible did you read (KJV, NIV, Etc.....)?

6. Small Church or large Church?

7. Anything else?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Context, Concept and perception

Where were you born?

What is your sex?

What foods do you like?

What denomination are you?

What race are you?

Were you raised in the suberbs?

Where you raised in the country?


Although Jews of whatever persuasion shared a common loyalty to the Mosaic Law (in Hebrew, Torah), first century Judaism was marked by considerable diversity. The principal groups were the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots and Essenes.

Who was right?

The Calvinists believe in the T.U.L.I.P (google it if you have not seen it)

The Arminisist believe in choice


Who is right?

We have to filter the facts first.

1. There is a God

2. We are not Him

3. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin named Mary

4. He lived for 33 years and 6 months

5. He was killed

6. He rose again three days later

7. he told us He is coming back (HE HAS NEVER LIED BEFORE)

How do you read this? How do you know you are right?

Is God really Jesus?

Does God come in other forms?

Now remember - strip away your context, grab your Bible and read it for yourself.

Enter it with an open mind and bring its culture into your culture, then what do you have?

Part 3 coming soon

Monday, September 14, 2009

Context, Concept and Precept

Context is everything.....

The airline announced a 45 minute delay and everybody on board was getting ticked. By the time they got to Sacramento, the flight attendant explained that there would be another 45 minute delay. People could get off and walk around and reboard in 30 minutes.

Everybody got off the plane except for one man who was blind. He regularly traveled on this airline and the pilot knew him. The pilot called him by name and said, “Keith, we’re in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs for awhile?”

Keith replied, “No thanks, but maybe my dog, Roy, would like to stretch his legs.”

Picture this: All the people in the gate area came to a completely quiet standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with the Seeing Eye dog. The pilot was even wearing sunglasses.

People scattered. They not only tried to change planes, they also were trying to change airlines!!

Context is everything... Including what we percieve and believe about GOD..... Part 2 coming soon

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Me, Angry?

So, i posted on my facebook this quote,

Randy G. Wood Is it really a big deal to say "we had a huge crowd at Church today"? Just curious, because the USC - Ohio State game had over 100,000 people last night.

A friend of mine responded by saying "You seem angry".

I don't think I am. Or, maybe i am.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a husband. I am a dad. Anything other than that is just extra.

For the last nearly 20 years of being a preacher/pastor, I got so caught up in all of the extra stuff that goes on in Church. When I pastored at CrossPoint, I could not wait to tell someone that we had 180 on a Sunday Morning.

It was an ego stroke to me.

Am I angry?

Well, if being disgusted by all of the egotistic pastors, leaders, and so forth keep using their status to say "Hey, I am the man", in so many words, then yes I am angry. That breaks the heart of God.

Do we really think He is impressed with how many we have at a Church service?

No, I do not think small rinky dink stalled out churches impress God either.

Its awesome to walk in ANY atmosphere that has a lot of people you like and see, who are there for the reason you are. (Church, a football game, a bar, a school event, etc...) but,

My whole point is... Who cares?????

I am a follower of Jesus Christ (who, by the way loves me more than I love Him) a husband and a dad.

Those are the things that He is impressed with. That I take the daily challenge of a smile and share it with people.

Am I angry. Well, maybe.... naaaa, just glad I'm not the insecure pastor I used to be.

By the way, I don't like Ohio State either :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Carry on my wayward son

Carry on my wayward sonThere'll be peace when you are doneLay your weary head to restDon't you cry no moreOnce I rose above the noise and confusionJust to get a glimpse beyond this illusionI was soaring ever higherBut I flew too highThough my eyes could see I still was a blind manThough my mind could think I still was a mad manI can hear the voices when I'm dreamingI can hear them sayCarry on my wayward sonThere'll be peace when you are doneLay your weary head to restDon't you cry no moreMasquerading as a man with a reasonMy charade is the event of the seasonAnd if I claim to be a wise manIt surely means that I don't knowOn a stormy sea of moving emotionTossed about I'm like a ship on the oceanI set a course for winds of fortuneBut I hear the voices sayCarry on my wayward sonThere'll be peace when you are doneLay your weary head to restDon't you cry no moreNo(Carry on)You will always remember(Carry on)Nothing equals the splendorNow your life's no longer emptySurely heaven waits for youCarry on my wayward sonThere'll be peace when you are doneLay your weary head to restDon't you cry no more - Kansas 1977
Yep!!! That was me, nuff said!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I StRuGgLe With Envy Part 2

Its not just other people that I envy........

I envy my self. Yes myself.

Who I used to be - Young, skinny, hair, and my 1971 Ford truck

Who I want to be.

I envy my own goals! Yea, that is silly, but I do.

I paint for myself the "perfect picture" and seemingly fall short of it.

So I am in a slowwwww process of learning how to just enjoy who I am, while thanking God for my past and reaching toward the future.

Envy.... Its a tricky thing.

Even if the person you envy is you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I STrUgGLE WiTh EnVy.....

I know what the Scripture says about it.. But I still struggle with it.

I envy pastors who have seemingly "made it"

I envy people with huge homes and nice cars

I envy married couples who "seem" like they never fight

I envy people that are smarter than me

I envy people who have no job, yet "seem" to make it just fine

I battle these and a bunch more.

God, forgive me.

Anyone else?
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I used the wrong side

Have you thought about the grace of God lately? I mean really thought about it.

The Bible states that we gained access to grace. An unlimited source, right?

Well I have an analogy. It comes from me being a dork.

This afternoon I was trying to use our "swiffer". I sprayed the stuff with the trigger and began scrubbing. All that was happening was a smudge. It was not getting clean.

Aggravated, i sprayed more and scrubbed harder. Once again nothing but a smudge. the harder I worked the worse it got. No matter what I did it just got worse! Then, i looked at the bottom of it and realized, yep you guessed it, that I had the pad on upside down.

So I simply turned the pad around and it worked just like I was supposed to.

Sometimes we work so stinking hard at gaining access to grace. We scrub harder only to have a big smudge.

We are judged by all kinds of people and think we need their validation. People like; preachers, pastors, TV Evangelists, a Sunday School teacher, etc....

If you are reading this and have screwed up in anyway, form or fashion and cannot feel the forgiving grace of God then quit using the wrong side.

Simply turn over away from man and allow Him to do what He does best..... give you access to Him and apply His grace to your life.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Passing the Baton

I am awe struck by the science of a relay race. The complexity, speed, and unity are the three key ingredients to a win.

After pastoring CrossPoint Church for the last 10 years, I truly feel God is setting them up for the next level. I look back and see what God has done, but I am more excited of what He is going to do there through the leadership that He will be putting into place.

I feel so blessed to have been part of the History of it all.

In the past few weeks I have searched my heart about our tenure as pastors at CPC. Well, I now feel the baton is being passed. The race is still on! Wow, what an awesome thing!

If you read this please pass it on to anyone who has ever attended CrossPoint Church (formally Ferndale Assembly of God). Pray for CPC. Share a memory or two here. Let the leadership know that you stand with them for the future that God has for them.

To the future leadership, I pass the baton. To the board and core leaders, I pass the baton. Keep running in unity as God does amazing things through each of you!

Feel free to post your memories here and ask anyone you know who ever attended to do the same.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Life is fast!!

fast life Pictures, Images and Photos

Wow, the speed of life is freaking me out!

Luke will be a senior at Joe T. Robinson High School.

Jacob will be in the 5Th grade at Chenal Elementary.

Heck, my dogs are even getting older way to fast.

I have been married for 20 years (yep, Tami has put up with me for a long time, LOL)

When I listen to music from my day, its considered "The Oldies"

But, I am at a new adventure.

That adventure? Well, its an adventure that is slower than what I am used to. Our lives have changed so much in the last few weeks.

As a pastor I thought about it 24 hours a day.

As an employee of Kroger I do my job and go home.

As a bus driver, I do my job and go home.

Wow, Its different.

My goal for the next year is for Tami and I to reconnect with old friends, and make some new ones.

Cookouts, Take Tami Dancing, Worship at a Church, Be immersed in the daily lives of Luke and Jacob, take walks, blog, invest in my marriage, pet my dogs, laugh more, make a difference - not as a pastor - as a follower of Christ and human being.

So, what about you? Please don't wait. Enjoy your life. Move forward. Don't get stuck.

Like an old quote i heard, "Those who were dancing were thought to be crazy by others, because the others could not hear the music"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I love this!! My passion is thinking OUTSIDE of the box! This nails it! I saw this over at Click there and read his post on it!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Remember the story of Macbeth? He tried to change his own destiny only to see the "prophesies" about him come true. To make a long story short he tried to avoid his foretold death only to be beheaded as his "fate".

Question: Can destiny happen in a vacuum?

I was talking to a coupe of co-workers on my break today and asked them this question. I posed the question in the form of what I call, "Plinko in a sealed room' Go with me on this.......

Remember the game 'Plinko" on the game show "The Price Is Right"? The game was all about the luck of the way a large poker looking chip would be dropped along the top of strategically placed pegs. When a person would drop the chip down the plinko board it would bounce along the pegs, and if "luck" was on their side it could land in the 10,000 money slot.

When the chip would land in a large money slot, the contestant would try from the very same spot with different results only to be frustrated.


I have been told that if you try the same thing you will get the same results. tell the contestant that. Maybe it is the atmosphere of the room. Maybe its the air coming from the vents blowing it. Maybe it is the rumble of the audience cheering vibrating it in a different direction. Maybe.

So, lets change the atmosphere.

A vacuumed room - sealed tight - plinko - a machine that is programed to drop the chip at the same place with the pegs, board, and all aspects with NO variables to change it.

Can destiny be changed in a vacuum? A sealed off room?

My co-workers said No. I asked, why? they said because its impossible to create that atmosphere.


As is life. THERE IS NOT A "ONE FORMULA" that can work EVERY TIME... Enter, the Cross. Jesus. The Messiah. YHWH. GOD.

He (Jesus) said, "I am the (Only) way, the (only) truth the (Only) Life"

That, is destiny.

That IS a cure all.

So, from the moment we accept Christ, does our destiny begin? Free will VS. Unconditional Election.

Macbeth. Was that "supposed" to happened? Could it have changed?

Judas (who betrayed Jesus), was that "Supposed" to happened? Could it have been changed?

The plinko chip. In a sealed environment - could it fall in the same place every time?

Me and You, In a sealed environment - does that effect us?

Or, does God drop us on earth like plinko chips (with a Bible) and say "I'll see you on the other side."

What do you think?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Just listen!

Conversation. Its a lost art. Especially with a lot of "Christians". Have you ever noticed in the Gospels that Jesus listened to people , (NOT THE PHARISEE'S), but to the ones that would reach His heart?

I get really tired of egotistic Christians, preachers, pastors that don't hear the cry of people who are so quick to judge people who have questions. they don't listen, they just talk (or in their words, "preach") about how lost they are.

Can i say something? Why cant we just listen? Why cant we just allow people who are trying to find truth (which is Jesus) find Him? EVERYONE OF US ARE ON A JOURNEY, EVERYONE.

Just listen, its that simple. They don't want our quick cliche' christian words that we are so quick to regurgitate out of our narrow minds. they just want someone to listen, really listen.

Jesus is in the people business. He is in the listening business. He is the only one who is perfect. He is the only one who really, truly understands sin and the final cure for it. He is the only one who truly understands grace.

So, to anyone who may read this blog, I have a challenge for us. let's Just listen. Lets listen to the hurting people, the mean people, the weird people, the gay people, the wild people, the hurting people, etc.....

Just listen, we will be amazed what we will hear. Then, Jesus will listen to us as we pray for them and ourselves.

The peoples Church @herbertcooper and his team

Wow, this is awesome!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Opposite of time?

Einstein showed that time is not a natural feature of our universe. Time is merely a human concept invented to separate events. There is no such THING as time, therefore no opposite either.

Think about that statement. God, is timeless. There is NO opposite of "time". Just as there is NO opposite of God. That's right God has NO opposite and NO equal. HE IS GOD.

GOD simply....... IS - Always has been, always will be......... God.

That makes me feel safe, how bout you?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Speed Trap

We are all in a hurry aren't we ? We rush the kids to school. We rush to work. We rush our "slow" microwave to eat a quick meal. We rush back home. Rush, rush< rush, hurry!!!!!

I call it "The speed trap".

This afternoon is when that thought came to me. Jacob and I were taking a walk. I was just taking it slow. I noticed the leaves, the grass shavings on the road from a near by neighbor. I noticed the beautiful flowerbeds and the tall Oak Trees. As I kept walking I noticed a couple of driveways that led back to some beautiful homes that I have not seen in the six years since we had bought our house. But the most interesting thing happened next.

There is a man that lives about a mile from us. Over the last six years I have passed by him as he would be walking down the road. Well, as stated earlier, we are always in a hurry. I have passed by him hundreds of times and never got a wave back from him. I just thought he was a weird dude. When he walks he carries a tennis racket. Kinda strange, but oh well.

Today, I was caught in a speed trap. I was walking, not driving. Then, as we got down by his house, there he was! Tennis racket in hand. I thought.... uh oh! he is gonna attack me with that racket and ill have to commence a beat down :) . Instead, He smiled. He stopped and spoke. He was a very nice guy. We said a few words to each other and Jacob and i continued our walk.

Lesson? Slow down. LOOK at life while living it!. Take a walk. You might be surprised at what or who you see.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Positive Thinking?

When God thought of you, it was positive. NOT negative.
Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Ironically, this verse--on so many hearts, posters and mirrors--is smack dab in the middle of God's pronounced judgment of 70 years captivity


Yes, there is a consequence of sin. Yes there is a cure for it as well!

The awesome thing about God is His view of our lives

Before we were born

When we were born

When we committed our first sin

Second sin

Third sin................ Well you get the picture.

Have you "fallen" lately? Yea? Ha, I have to.

Notice God said I HAVE PLANS FOR YOU. Now, if GOD - the creator of the cosmos had/has a plan, ain't no one gonna screw with HIS plan.

So, relax, get back up, and try again. Yea, that's right... try again and again and again and.... well you get the picture.

His plan for you WILL happen.

When God thinks about you, He thinks positive stuff.... And He wants you to think the same way. Cool, hugh?

Friday, July 31, 2009

What matters the most

So, Jesus saved me 2000 years ago. I came to Him about 22 years ago.

Here I am thinking this morning about what matters the most in my life.

My House...... Nope, its just a place to sleep

My Truck...... Nope, It just gets me to and from to work to pay for the house.

My John Deere..... Nope, its just a means to cut the grass at the house

My Cell Phone..... Nope, its just a means of communication that I use instead of a stamp and letter.

Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for all of these things. But they do not matter in the big picture. If I loose them, they are replaceable.

What matters the most is.....

God - He loves me Know matter what. He will NEVER stop loving me - know matter what

My wife - 20 years of marriage, hard work, ups, downs, and love. She has stuck with me through a lot of thick and a lot of thin (on my part)

Luke - my 17 year old son... He is one of the biggest influences in my life (@earlcreps calls it reverse mentoring)

Jacob - my 11 year old son... he is the most creative kid i have EVER known. God is so gonna use him!!

My brother Rod - He is my hero

My brother Charles (who is in heaven) - He was gay, I judged him, I was wrong. I love that guy!! I know he knows that. YES HE WAS GAY, YES HE IS IN HEAVEN WITH JESUS.

My sister Kathy - She finally had the guts to do what she had to do, and she is becoming stronger for it!

My sister Karen - I am proud of her. Her and i battle some of the same issues, she is fighting back!!!!!

My Mom - The docs said she would not recover well from her massive stroke she had a few months ago. Yep she is a fighter. Yep she is recovering strong! (THEY WERE WRONG)

My Dad - He lives with us now. He was diagnosed with dementia - He is the NON LAZIEST person on earth and taught me my work ethic.

My wife's dad and step mom - They are awesome!!!!

My dogs, because they are.... well they are stupid, but I love em :)

My cat.... She is... haha... a stuck up, emotional, spoiled rotten lil girl - but I love her!

These are the things that matter to me the most

These are the things that I will invest the rest of my life in!

These are the things.... That matter the most.

What about you? Tell me what matters the most to you.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In Reguards too... (repost)

In regards to grace,
its amazingIn regards to love,
its a giftIn regards to patience, its earned
In regards to energy drinks,don't
In regards to my wife, Proverbs 31:10-31
In regards to my 11 year old, i want to be like him
In regards to my almost 17 year old, he is the picture of calm
In regards to Church, be it
In regards to Jesus, imitate Him
In regards to books, read the thick ones too
In regards to the heart, don't let the mind tell it what to do
In regards to Monday, well its Monday
In regards to Rocky, was that really the last one made?
In regards to doors, do not walk through all of them
In regards to rest, do it or die
In regards to jello, what happened to the Bill Cosby jello commercials?
In regards to random, lol... thanks for reading
Just A Thought...........

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jesus Loves Me More Than I Love Him!

I set here at midnight (have to be up at 5am) and cant sleep. Jacob and I just got back a while ago from The movies. He is laying here beside me. Tami and Luke are over at her cousins house. So, here I am setting up in bed, watching my stuck up cat stare at me! LOL
On the way home from the movies tonight I was listening to some classic Hillsong worship. The song that spoke to me was "unfailing Love"
The truth is , jesus loves me more than I love Him!
Think about that - NO MATTER WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN, WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, WHAT YOU WILL EVER DO, Jesus loves you with a perfect love!
If you are alive, love Him back
If you are dead, and in Him, you will love Him back
If you have a car, love him
Legs, love Him
Shoes, Love Him
Food, Love Him

Remember, He loves you unconditionally, without one single blemish. He is proud of you and wants to shine through you. Smile, laugh, cry...... Love Him. Just a Thought.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Journey

So, I set, in obedience to God. Listening. Waiting. Wondering. I know where I am on the map. I just don't know exactly what direction I am taking, yet. For the first time in almost 12 years of being a pastor that "chunk" of thinking is at a pause.
So, for the several months I am just going to listen for the voice of God. I will take time with my family like I haven't in a long time.
This is going to be strange, yet fun! I am going to just breathe and look at the map and move when God says move and stand still when he says so. In other words I just might be predictability unpredictable. I will speak at different Churches in the future. Help younger ministers in the future and continue my education in the future to be a certified teacher in the public schools. Unless, of course God says something else. All I know is the adventure has began, and I am going to do my best to remain obedient in it!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

memories in a box

Well, for the last few days I have been packing up my office. Wow, ten years worth of stuff. A bunch of memories that i will never let go of, well the good ones anyway :)

This weekend will be the end of the season as pastors of CPC. However, the seed, memories and lives that God touched. The memories that are in the box are...... books, pictures, plaque's, notes, meeting notes, seminar and conference notes, gifts that people gave me, etc...

Wow, I looked at that tangible stuff and began to think of the intangibles. Like the time the man walked up to me and said on my first Sunday as pastor, "Son, you have got your work cut out for ya here!" or the time that we did not have anyone to lead the "song service" so me Jimbo (on guitar), Lance (on the piano) and me (lead Singer) learned a new song or two and sang them to Jesus as he came into the place!

I remember the time a lady stood up put her fingers in her ears and said that she will NOT sing that new music!! LOL

Or the the time that Sister Helen lost her son to suicide. out of that tragedy came an amazing move of God as her whole family came to Christ.

I remember a bunch of ups and a few downs.

I remember when Jody Merrit (Evans) at the time, came into the Church with their whole family. Jody had lost her son in a tragic death. I witnessed her and her family come to Christ in a very powerful way!

I remember when I was running late for a funeral so pastor Brady and Pastor Jeff stalled until I got there in the nick of time!

Wow, I could go On and on.

How about you? Do you keep your memories in a box? I know, i know :if your memories are bigger than your vision" then you are in trouble.

I like to call the memories, "faith files".

How about you?

Do you have any faith files?

Dont keep them in a box.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A chapter Closes and begins

I have had the privlage of serving as pastor of CrossPoint in West Little Rock for ten years. Today, that chapter of our life closes. Below is the letter i read to them this morning. A day of laughter, crying, water baptism and celebration of a current deacon who has been sober for 6 years today! Needless to say, we leave with a sad heart yet fulfilled mission. It was a joy, and now CrossPoint Church will go to another more glorious level! I will still blog here, and preach where we are invited. I am also going to get my teachers certification to teach in our public schools. I am scared, nervous, excited and in wonder all at the same time! Please pray for CPC during this leadership transisition.

This is the Letter I read this morning.....

Change, youth and willing people.
That has been the journey for the past ten years at CrossPoint Church.
I stole a quote from former Arkansas District A/G Council Superintendent, Alton Garrison, several years ago, who said “Change is a process, NOT an event”. I have used that in messages, counseling, self reminder and just everyday conversation.

Ten years ago, When Tami (32) me (29) Luke (7) and Jacob (4) began our journey here at CPC (Ferndale A/G at the time) we were nervous, excited and passionate about winning the lost along side of a little Church in Ferndale. Wow! We saw it. Hundreds and hundreds of people have come through the doors of this Church to see their lives changed by the power of the Cross! Hundreds baptized in water, in the Holy Spirit and set free in various ways!
The people that have came and gone and you that are still here through the years have been the ones to do the ministry and my family has been blessed to be a part of that.
Wow, the memories would take for ever to tell. Revival services, Alter times, counseling times, weddings, funerals, missions trips, building, staff hired, Church growth, Church pruning, awesome times, hard times and each of you have your own memories as well…. And they are all so great!
The process of change has begun again. Me, Tami and the boys are entering another season (chapter) of our lives. Our time here at CPC has been invaluable yet tangible. Crosspoint Church is one of the most unique Assemblies of God Churches in the state of Arkansas, and will continue to be. However, at this season or chapter it is time for us to say goodbye. Effective next Sunday July 19th the season for us as pastors of CrossPoint Church comes to an end.
We are leaving on a VERY high note. You are the greatest people in the world that a pastor could ask to lead. The future for CPC is bigger and brighter than ever. The next person who comes here to pastor will take you with them to the next level. Who ever that person may be, please be as committed to CPC then as you are now. You are the Church, not just a pastor.
Our next steps? We will be involved in a Church somewhere but NOT as pastors. I will get to set with my family, ride in the same car (while Tami drives, Ha!) to Church. I will continue to work at Kroger this summer and I will continue to drive a school bus this fall. Beyond that we simply do not know. I will preach from time to time as Churches invite me, and I will help younger pastors/leaders as much as I can. My family is what will get me though. I am going to be spending a lot of time with them and walking through this change with them.
In the next few weeks you will have an interim pastor here (someone to fill in). Jimmy Lunsford will continue to lead the services as he has for the past several weeks. A pastoral search committee is being put together by the deacon board and they will be advised during the process by current superintendant, Larry Moore, of the Arkansas District Council of the Assemblies of God.
Tami, I and the boys will take with us some life long memories and friendships with us as we come to a close on this season. We will no longer be pastors of CrossPoint Church as of next Sunday, but we will always be your friends.
We love you, please know that.
On that note, I want to invite everyone back next Sunday as we say our final goodbye as pastors. Let’s have a service of celebration as we cry and laugh together!
After that, once again change will begin for CrossPoint Church. And the process of it will be exciting for you to be a part of.
We Love You,

Randy, Tami, Luke and Jacob

Monday, July 6, 2009

Random Funny Stuff to do!

I shared this at CPC yesterday

Look on a soda bottle or cereal box and call the consumer information line and ask them some questions.

Write letters to random people claiming you are their lost cousin, ask for money

Write glow in the dark messages on people’s ceilings (“I'm watching you!

Walk extra fast all day

Walk around as a body guard for a day for one of your friends

Walk around a public park, every so often pretend to trip on a 'invisible' wire.

Turn on the T.V., put it on mute and make up dialogue

Try to make reservations at McDonalds

Try to Outmaneuver your shadow

Start laughing really hard and say, "Oh, now I get it."

Respond to everything with “well that’s what you think

Repeatedly call someone Al and get mad when they say that’s not their name

Bark at your dog

Basiclly learn how to laugh at yourself!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cooter puts a pool together!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So, I have found out a major gift that Jacob (My 11 year old) has. He is a comedian! I am not kidding, he is really funny! he and i have an act that we do that he, Luke (my 17 year old) and myself made up a couple of years ago. Well, through time Jacob and i have perfected it. The "show" is called "Hey Cooter!!" Basically, its about a backwoods countery boy named cooter who has a "cousin" that he is alwways talking to. The cousin? Well, he doesent have a name, but her sure does get on Cooters nerves! Cooter also talks about other memories of his family.
So, jacob and i will be posting videos from time to time here from my phone. The videos are simply called... "Hey Cooter!!"
I love having fun and being goofy with my kids! Look for the first video coming soon!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Icon Dies

I remember when I was a kid I was watching "batman" and the news broke in an reported that Elvis Presley had died. The king of Rock n Roll, died.

This afternoon I was coming home listening to our local sports radio talk show. The news flash broke in that Michael Jackson died. The King of Pop, died.

I know that there was a ton of controversey that surrounded his life, but we agree that he was the first singer to break out of the box since the Beatles.

I know most of his songs. I have a ton of great memories with most of them. I will miss him and how he contributed to our culture.

Im curious, what is your favorite Michael Jackson or Jackson 5 song?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


A decade. Ten years. Blood, sweat, tears.
In case you haven't guessed it several of my previous posts I indicate that I battle a bunch. No, I'm not feeling sorry or self pity. I am THE most blessed man on earth. I have a loving strong willed wife. And we have two awesome boys.
However, I'm in a major crossroads and almost a catch 22.
I have some very important decisions to make, and to be honest I am terrified.
For those that love me and read this blog, thanks for your prayers. For those who read this blog and grin inside about the struggle in life that I'm facing, well.... I'm praying for you.
I know of some pastors that read these posts. I have a question for you. Why is it that I am staring at some of the biggest debt ever in my life (home and church) and read all the books on finance, listen to the podcasts, follow the advice of Dave Ramsey, read the Bible, Tithe, give, work two jobs, cut down on spending, wife is an RN, my oldest son works, I pastor (and have given back 95% of my salary, still paying on Bible college loans, getting ready to send my oldest son to college in a year, I give, love, invest in people, try to be a learner and leader, cry, weep, pray, fast, ..... and still feel like I'm spinning my wheels?


Ten years, I'm tired.

Tired of hurting people (even though I don't mean to)

Tired of giving it all to "the ministry" and my left overs to my family.

Tired. Ha! I was told to take a sabbatical. "Sabbath" means rest. Well, when you can't really retreat because you have to continue to work a secular job, that is not a sabbaticle. What's up with that?

I don't know. I know I used to say "to get to it, you gotta get through it". Well, this last three years of my life has been a LONG "through".

Yes, I have learned a lot. But I'm ready for this class to be over. I'm ready to use some of these lessons that God has taught me.

Its been a decade to earn this degree :)

Know what I mean?

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Monday, June 15, 2009


So, here I set in my office. (Kinda weird, because I am usually never here). I am getting ready to leave for a while. I am getting ready to unplug.

For the last 10 years I have been trying to build a Church, when Jesus said get out of the way, and let ME build it! I have helped others while neglecting what is MOST important, my wife of 20 years, my two 17 and 11.

Don't get me wrong, I love people. Heck, i make it a daily challenge to get to know at least 5 things about a person I don't know in less than 2 minutes.

I was told by an electrician that when the power is off of something, its still using power to run it. So I am not turning off, I am unplugging. I am going to allow HIM to speak to me and my family.

Therefore, its time to unplug from a few things. The Church, the people, my two jobs (with out pay - ugh) and head to a place up North where i believe that God is going to help me (and my family) turn over a new leaf.

Nope, we ARE NOT LEAVING CROSSPOINT CHURCH. What we are doing, especially me, is unplugging from a few outlets. We, especially me, are going to plug into God and allow Him to break, mold, heal, pour and restore His power back into us.

If you happen to read this, please pray for my Wife and I as we get ready to leave Tuesday. With the help of the Holy Spirit we will get what we need. Pray for my boys that they wont kill each other while we are gone ;). for my Dad (who lives with us) that he will have peace. Pray for CrossPoint Church in Little Rock as I unplug from them for a couple of weeks. Pray for the leaders and special speakers that for the next couple of weeks that they will not even know that I am gone.

Most of all, pray that Jesus will be lifted up and that HE is the one who receives all of the glory.

Have a great day and please learn to unplug.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thankful For Seed

This evening I came across some old filed reports from days gone by at CrossPoint Church (formally Ferndale Assembly of God). I looked more at the names than I did at the numbers, all though the numbers were always on an increase because of the favor of God and seed.....
There are several people who read this blog that used to attend and several that still do. To all of you, thanks. The seed that you sowed in the past is still and will always grow.
I wish I could name every person that has sown seed into my families life and the life of God's Church. You know who you are. To you, thank you. Im grateful for your mercy, friendship, patience and love.
Im thankful for ALL of the people that have helped me grow.
Im thankful for Jesus.
Im thankful for..... seed

Saturday, June 6, 2009


This was a comment that I made to a blog I read this evening and wanted to share it here.

After pastoring at CrossPoint in Little Rock though many, many growth and decreasing processes, i have found out 3 simple things.
1. That law of the lid thing by Maxwell is TRUTH
2. I did not keep it simple, clear and real (even though “real” was a key word we used.
3. Debt, I allowed my Church to get into stupid debt.

We are in a very slow process of regrowth.
I am no longer a full time pastor (I gave 95% of my salary back and work two jobs
And Prayer is Central to our Church Community

Thursday, June 4, 2009

In Responce to a blog

A great blogger, Todd Rhodes, wrote an article about one of the greatest preachers of our day, Ed Young Jr. here was my response. (you an read his blog at

First of all i am a nerd smile Actually i am who I am. Yes, I cuss. Behind the pulpit? Not anymore. At home right after my son almost tore the door off my Tundra by backing into a tree with the door open? Yep!Does that make me two-faced? Yep. I pastor and work two other jobs. As i am “in” culture i guess my ears are more accustomed to hearing all kids of “salior language”. However, i dont cuss with them, why? because for the same reason i don’t gossip with them, over eat with them, smoke weed with them… but i am still with them. They do see a difference in me, not “cool” just relational (a good ole new church word)
I love trends, twitter, facebook, text, rock music, rap music, country music, jazz, blues… but I am not trying to be cool. I love culture and embrace it. I try my best to look at it through the eyes of the Holy Spirit… But i can not stand “churchy words” tHAT, IS PASTORS TRYING TO BE “RELEVANT” TO OTHER PASTORS.
I agree with Ed. We need to chill on the cussing thing. But NEVER EVER judge the one that is in process of change.

I am curious, what do you think?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Living Beyond Ourselves

In my mind are about a thousand and one thoughts that are all trying to flow at the same time! Maybe its add, ocd, adhd... or maybe its just me trapped in my own mind.

The most dangerous thing in the world is to do life alone. No, I am not talking about being single (if you are thats great). I am not talking about getting alone by your self for times of prayer, reflection or just watching a good movie.

What I am talking about is doing life outside of ourselves.

Its a very easy thing to do, and the result is being self - centered and closed minded. I know, it has happened to me.

Life is not meant, nor has it EVER been meant to be spent alone. We MUST DO LIFE OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES. We can share it with family, co-workers, church family, even strangers.

What is your passion? Find someone who has the same interest in that passion and share your goals and work with them in doing it.

Raise money for missions
feed the homeless
Build a deck for an elderly person
Create a blog and share your calling with the world
Coach a little league team
Find out how to change the world and "get to chang'n"

Do it together, NOT ALONE!!!!!

What is your calling, itching or burden in life? Share that with someone.

Pray with someone, cry, laugh, be still, serve, worship, eat, run, walk, crawl with someone.

Live life outside of your self. Find your passion and share those thousand and one thoughts with someone. Besides, you need another opinion other than the one you keep giving to yourself.

How about you? Are you living life outside of yourself? How? I would love to know.


Friday, May 15, 2009


CPC worship team tore it up!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Outside of Jesus, I stink

The old addage, "God is good" is true. HE IS.

As for me, I stink. I am the following outside of Jesus......

An emotional wreck


Sin sick





Full of Crap


Controlled by circumstances



The list goes on and on.

The Goodness of God is the real deal. He gave everything for me.

In ALL CIRCUMSTANCES He is the one in control.

When I am mad, he understands me.

When I am broke, He provides

When I am sick, He heals me

When I dont undestand life..... He does.


Outside of Jesus, I stink.

How bout you?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I dont preach a lot about heaven. I really havnt thought a whole lot about it.

But today I had the opportunity to preach at CrossPoint Church - Little Rock about Heaven. I kinda rabbit trailed and began talking about the kind of reunion that we will have there.

Il get to see my Grandpa, Grandma, Paul, Samuel, David, Job.... The list goes on and on. I get excited thinking about it. It could be today!!!!!

What about you? When is the lst time you thought about it?

What do you think it will be like?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

still trying

I wonder how many failures it took before Michael Jorden to perfect his untouchable famous fade-away shot? I wonder how many times it took Tiger to perfect his shot before he could make "the shot"?

From what I read, it took znd takes thousands of hours of practice and failure.

How many wild anamils did the sheppard David miss as his flock was devoured?

How many Christians where killed befor Paul encountered Jesus?

How may times did beter eat foot fungus befor he could prech with oldness on the day of Pentecost?

How many times has it, or is still taking you, to be where you know God wants you?

For me? after 29 years of marriage, 19 yeaers of speaking, yeaching and communicating the Gospel and nearly a life time of stupid failures I have learned this..........I am still trying.

Even if I limp, crawl, roll and cry I am still trying!

What about you, what about you, are you still trying?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Earlier Video editing

Here is a video that we did a couple of months ago at CPC. The editing is NOT good, but I just wanted to get it up. More to come (that has much better editing!)

Friday, March 13, 2009


We are all guilty of judging, right? We see someone in a big house and think, man they MUST be loaded. We see someone driving a new Lexis and think, " must be nice". Or maybe we think, "I bet those people are in to major debt.

Perception. It is a dangerous thing. It is what we perceive, believe and then count as fact about an issue or issues. I have done it many times.

My perception of the Cross.....

My perception of "religion".....

My perception of "the good ole days".....

My perception of the future Church.....

Basically what I am trying to say is, I might just be wrong. The cross was probably a lot more brutal than I could ever perceive.

Other religions, (not cults) but ones that do not practice the same methods that I do as a pentecostal (Assemblies of God), are probably doing great things for Jesus way beyond what I perceive.

The good ole days are probably not just old fashioned ways of older people, they are probably a very strong and vibrant Church that wants to join hands with the Church of today.

The future Church? They are probably not some whacked out unprincipled, new age movement. They are probably a new up and coming generation that wants to join hands with us and the Church of the past.


What is yours? Are you sure that is the right one?

Just a Thought.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


In case you don't read the blog of Pete Wilson from Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tn. THIS is a must read! "A walk in the dark"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

That's too many numbers!!!!!

I love Kids! They say exactly what they are thinking. Today while driving the bus I was listing to a 1st grader debate with a pre-Ker.
They where talking about what size of a Kawola bear they would have as a pet.

The pre-Ker said billions, and billions, and billions, and billions, and billions, and billions.......etc... for about 30 seconds. Then the 1st grader interrupted and said, "that's too many numbers... they go past the line!" I am assuming he meant the margin line on notebook paper.


Then the 1st grader used his higher education to trumped his lil sister. He said, "Infinity!"

Debate over.

Satan hates your guts and my guts billions, and billions, and billions, and billions.....etc...

But God Loves you......


Debate over!

Just a Thought.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I asked Jesus

Well, my negitive attitude has redndered me some what i call "begging a prayer".

The other morning i was leaving work and I asked Jesus this question,

"Lord please show me waht you are doing at this point in life through me!!"

Well, He did. I am working at a large grocery store chain, at night, in the bakery. I took the job because we need the money.

God gave me this job for other additional reasons..... Devine appointments.

I walked into the bakery and met a nice kid about the age of my oldest son. It ends up, that I have known him for several years. he is a kid (young man) that has had what i would consider, a tough life. I asked Jesus to help me connect with Him. QWe did. Then last night, he was telling me how close he was to his Grandma.

I asked him a few questions about her, and it turns out that I had the opportunity of preaching at her funeral.

I remember proclaiming the Gospel, and his Grandma's sister came to Christ. He thought about it and we were both amazed at this "small world".

So, I asked Jesus another question. "jesus, please dont let me screw this up!"

God is good and faithfull even when we are bad and faithless.

Just a Thought.....

Thursday, February 12, 2009




Monday, February 9, 2009

Can you see?

This is a view of the road from a school bus I was driving. Yea, you are right, its blurry. That's because the windshield wiper is broken.
That's been the problem with me as of late as well my "spiritual wipers". Sometimes life gets blurry. If I don't read Gods Word, life gets blurry. If I don't pray, blur. If I don't worship, blur.
If I don't listen, obey, fast, get still..... blur. That goes for anything. Family, spiritual disciplines, personal goals. I won't drive that bus in that condition again. I hope I can learn to do that with life
Just a Thought.....

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When it rains it pours?

Well, what a day. I am setting at the hospital. Its 10:30 pm. been a long and testing day.

My mom had a stroke this morning.

Yesterday morning she was fine. Today, well..... she is in ICU.

So, in the last year and a half has been wild! My next to the oldest brother dies. My dad had a stroke, and recently was diagnosed with demensia. My wife's dad was diagnosed with cancer. This morning, my mom had a stroke. Through it all when it rains it pours.

The grace of God rains. the grace of God pours. Yea, I admit its been very tough. I have cried, cussed, wept deeply, fought depression and even laughed for no reason. Through it all God still has been so good.

I have seen a Church go from 180 to 50, yet God is still good. He still sends His rain. He still pours His grace. He still smiles and even cries with me.

There has been a lot of "bad" happen. But, that has not changed our "Good" God.

No matter what, he is God. No matter what He knoes all, feels all, see's all, touches all, loves all, feels all, and wants to save..... all.

Yep, when it rains, it pours. And for that, I am thankful

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I spoke to a young man over the weekend who is full of it!!!! Potential.... he is full of a LOT of potential.
I told him that he was an empty canvas. Then God spoke to me.
I went on to tell him that God wants to create a master piece on him. He wants to work through him in a unique way.
God is not a "factory owner" He is a "creator". he does not create duplicates, He creates original artwork. He wants to flow through us with unique breaths of fresh air. He wants to create in us a pure heart that makes people feel His love, His joy, His expression, His touch.
Lots of color and even black and whites at times.
The wise king David prayed in psalm 51 Create in me a clean heart....." this was just after his "fall". God has always wanted to take fallen people (which happens to be the whole world) and Crete new and loving hearts.
That young man is going to be Gods "Magnum Opus" (God's Masterpiece)
Are you ready to be still long enough for God to do His artwork on and through you?
Just a Thought.....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fw: Settn by the fire

Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

-----Original Message-----
From: "Randy Wood" <>

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:29:02
To: Twit Pic<>
Subject: Settn by the fire

We live in the country. Its very peaceful. And to be honest, its times like this afternoon that I love the most. I hear the birds, horses, the dogs are playing. Peace. I can hear God better out hear than anywhere on earth

If you happened upon by tiny blogspot, I'm curious. What brings you the most peace?

Just a Thought.....
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel